Anal Pain


Define Anal pain??

Anal pain is present around the rectum or anus. Anus is the last 3-4 cm of the large intestine. The rectum is a 6-inch segment present before the anus. Together under the skin, they make up the perianal region and this region is very sensitive.

Pain in the anus is a common condition with many causes. Some are not serious but some are required treatment.

Possible Causes

Common causes of Anal pain

  • Blood vessels are swollen inside the rectum or anus ( Hemorrhoids)
  • Fungal and Sexually transmitted infections( STIs).
  • Anal gland infection caused Perianal abscess.
  • In the anal lining, small tears are present called anal fissures.
  • Penetration in anal and Difficulty in passing hard poops, trauma.
  • The condition that damages the pudendal nerve is called Pudendal neuralgia. It controls the sensation and feeling of the genital and anal areas.

Less Common causes of Anal pain

  • When an anal abscess destroys the skin and tunnel develops called an anal fistula
  • Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis in the rectum ( Inflammatory bowel disease)
  • Ulcer in the rectum caused by IBD and individual rectal ulcer syndrome.
  • Anal muscle contraction by Proctalgia fungax, or Levator ani syndrome.
  • Rectum or anus cancer
  • Intense or severe itching in the anus called Anal pruritus.

Feeling of Anal pain

Sharp and severe anal pain

Open wounds highlight the feeling of sharp pain in the anus like fissures and ulcers. Many people explain the muscle contraction in the levator ani syndrome as a shooting pain. Intense, deep, and localized pain suggests the hemorrhoid and also develops a blood clot inside it.

Pressure with anal pain

Inside the anus, the feeling of pain along with pressure or anything swollen inside the anus in case of hemorrhoid, an abscess, fissure, or less commonly a tumor. If the patient presented with constipation, the patient felt discomfort and pain from strain and stress along with the pressure when hardened, affected poop trapped inside the rectum and anal canal.

Itching with Anal pain

It suggests the condition that is present inside the anus, but in some conditions, the patient experiences pain in the anus. Hemorrhoids can cause pain and infection( Yeast infection). Another common condition is condyloma, which is a symptom of Human Papillomavirus (HPV).

After pooping anal pain:

If you experience pain in the anus, typically after pooping, the reason is that skin irritation. Fissure in the anal is the common cause of pain after pooping because it expands the fissure. It also hurts hemorrhoids then they start bleeding or collapse.

During period Anal pain:

It is a common condition. As a result of menstrual cramps, the perianal and muscles of the uterus are damaged. Prostaglandin is a chemical that shrinks the muscles occasionally sharply. Less commonly, endometriosis can damage the rectum producing menstrual pain and bleeding.

During pregnancy Anal pain:

Hemorrhoids and constipation are both common causes of abdominal tenderness. As pregnancy advances, the fetus increases in size, and its weight increases, putting pressure on the perianal muscles. During sitting, you feel more pain and discomfort.

Care and Treatment

How do I treat anal pain??

Sometimes, we treat the pain in the anus at home. In case of severe and long-lasting pain or also comes with associated pain like bleeding in the rectus then it’s a good idea to check in with a doctor.

What medication are used to treat anal pain at home?

For Instant pain relief, then try

  • Medicated creams like lignocaine, Cortenema, and Solu-Cortef.
  • In a sitz bath, immersed your anus for 20 min, many times a day.
  • cathartics, purgatives, or aperients used to improve constipation.

How do doctors treat anal pain?

To diagnose pain in the anus, the doctor will ask about the related symptoms and examine the anus. The treatment depends on the conditions patient causes. Some questions are treated with home treatment and some are serious and then treated with

  • Infections are treated with antiparasitics and antifungals.
  • Pain reducing medication ( Paractemaol and aspirin)
  • Medication ( Anti-inflammatories, immunomodulators) to treat the Inflammatory bowel diseases
  • Surgical repair

When to Contact a Doctor

What should I do if I experience pain in the anus??

When you are not sure about the cause of anal discomfort, consult with a doctor and explain the discomfort. If you already tried to treat this at home and have not recovered, before it gets severe contact the doctor

Contact your doctor if you experience any scary symptoms

  • Pain is not alleviated by medicine.
  • Pain is convoyed by heavy or constant bleeding.
  • Disruption of normal body functions due to severe pain.

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